Saturday, November 20, 2010


SISTERSWHOTEXT has officially launched! My sister and I have started a new blog complied of text messages we have sent to each other over the years.  Reading back on them makes us laugh over and over and hopefully we aren't the only ones.
Submit texts between you and your sister! Or letters, notes, postcards, recordings, videos, photos. And if you have a friend who's like a sister to you, that's cool too. Humor is key. We like ha-ha funny, and subtle funny, and heartbreaking yet hilarious funny. There’s a lot of humor in truth.

It is BEST and FUNNIEST if you can send screen-shots of things like texts or emails. If not, just send us the transcript.

Let us know if we can publish your real name or not.

We reserve the right to publish all submissions without payment.
Send everything

Me and my sister
England, 1987

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